bird by great blue bird

bird by great blue bird

 by Liza Newell, Richmond, VA Story prompt: Write your own story! when springtime comes to Richmond we wake uplike early morning birdsbinoculars and coffee in hand we set outin anticipationof a misty morning river with new life teeming the herons have returned to...
A diverse river experience

A diverse river experience

 by Daniel Leech, Richmond, VA Story prompt: The river is important to me because … I am passionate about the James River and all it has to offer. One thing about the James I think is so special is how diverse the river is. Within a few miles around Richmond...
Memories and an annual tradition

Memories and an annual tradition

 by Chris Armstrong, Richmond, VA Story prompt: Write your own story! The James has always been an integral part of my life here in Richmond. I have fond memories of exploring the river banks and discovering the various rock routes and rope swings as a kid. The James...
From mountain waters to the James

From mountain waters to the James

 by John Bragg, New Kent, VA Story prompt: The river is important to me because … I remember those rivers I was so fortunate to live near in West Virginia during my formative years. My boyhood home abuts to what is now the New River Gorge National Park. I...
A river connects us

A river connects us

 by Tessa Biggs, Richmond, VA Story prompt: The river is important to me because … The river is important to me because the James is where my family goes to connect to one another. From weekly walks to momentous engagement pictures, I know I will always leave...